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How To Transform Your Blogging Style By Writing in Active Voice

Get active in your writing style and go from unknown author to writing superstar. Transform your writing skills and become a pro by following a few simple steps.

There are many benefits to using active voice in your writing; perhaps the most important is that it gives clarity, structure, focus, and cohesion to your article.

Whether you are writing an essay, a blog post, web page, or even a formal document, active sentences can help you elevate the quality of your work.

So why not get active in your writing style today? Who knows - it just might transform the way you think about writing forever!

What is active voice?

In active voice examples, the subject of the sentence performs the action expressed by the verb.

The subject receives the action of the verb, rather than performing it. The verb's action typically involves the object of the sentence, and this is often expressed by a noun phrase or a prepositional phrase.

The cashier counted the money.

In this sentence, the subject performs the action (counting), and the object (money) receives that action.

What is passive voice?

In passive voice examples, the subject of a sentence is acted upon by another element in the sentence.

The money was counted by the cashier.

This passive sentence makes it seem as though the object (money) is passively receiving an action (being counted) from someone else - the cashier is not clearly identified as the one performing that action.

The past participle form of the verb (in this case, counted) is often used in passive voice sentences.

As you can see, it makes your writing more direct and focused and allows you to fully express yourself clearly and dynamically.

Active and passive voices compared in a sentence

A passive voice example is "The book was written by Stephen King."

While this may be technically correct from a grammatical standpoint, it sounds quite dull and lifeless.

In contrast, the active voice example is: "Stephen King wrote this book."

This sentence is shorter, more direct, and ultimately more engaging for the reader.

While there are times when passive voice can be used effectively (particularly in scientific or academic writing), active voice is almost always a better choice when you want your writing to be more engaging and compelling. Recommended Read: Long-Form Content: How To Use It For Content Marketing

Why is active voice important?

It creates an authoritative voice

When you use an active voice, you become authoritative and confident in your writing as a writer. It instantly gives your writing a clear, concise tone that commands respect from the reader.

It's more engaging

Active sentences in your writing also make it more engaging and dynamic, helping to keep the reader's attention throughout the text. This is particularly important when trying to convey complex ideas or arguments, as using active verbs helps break up dense blocks of text and make the overall meaning easier to understand.

It's easier to understand

Active sentences tend to be shorter and simpler than their passive counterparts. This can be extremely helpful when writing for a general audience or for readers who may not be familiar with the subject matter.

It uses fewer words

This is perhaps one of the most appealing benefits; it can help you say more with less. In a fast-paced world where everyone is trying to save time, being concise and to the point is more important than ever.

It sounds more natural

Your writing sounds more natural and conversational because it mimics how we speak, making it more relatable and approachable for the reader.

It Improves clarity and structure

By infusing your text with active verbs that are easy for readers to understand, you create a clear path through the text and help ensure that your message is delivered effectively.

Whether writing for personal or professional purposes, using an active voice is always a good idea. So why not get active in your writing style today? The results may just surprise you! Recommended Read: Content Blogging for Beginners: How to Plan & Write Awesome Blog Content

How do I use active voice?

Let's look at how we can incorporate it into our own writing.

Here are a few tips:

1. Use strong, active verbs

One of the best ways to make your writing more active is to choose strong, active verbs over weak or passive ones. For example, instead of saying "I am going for a run," try "I will go for a run."

2. Be specific

When you are specific in your writing, you making it more active.

Instead of saying "I am going to the store," try "I am going to the grocery store."

3. Use concrete nouns

Another way to make your writing more active is to use concrete, rather than abstract, nouns. Abstract nouns refer to concepts or ideas rather than tangible objects.

Instead of saying "I am going for a run," try "I am going for a jog."

4. Avoiding the use of "to be"

One of the most common mistakes people make is overusing the verb "to be."

Consider this sentence: "I am writing my essay."

This sentence can be easily revised to use active verbs instead, such as "I am composing an essay" or simply "I write my essay."

Making these simple changes can give your writing a more active and dynamic feel that engages your readers and helps get your message across more clearly.

So the next time you sit down to write, try putting some of these tips into practice and see how they transform your writing style!​

Active and passive voice comparison

Of the two voices, active is more common in everyday speech and writing, whereas passive is more common in formal, academic writing. It creates a more dynamic and engaging writing style, whereas passive voice can create well-balanced sentences.

The following chart provides a quick overview of the key differences: active vs passive voice.

Overall, an active voice is a more effective writing style because it conveys your message more clearly and concisely while also highlighting the importance of the subject. However, passive voice has its own strengths, such as being more subtle and indirect in tone.

Ultimately, using active or passive voice will depend on your writing goals and the audience.

When to use active and passive voice

When it comes to writing, especially blogging, passive voice is often frowned upon. This is because passive voice makes writing feel dull and monotonous, with your copy lacking any sense of dynamism or energy.

However, active sentences can transform your writing style and give your words a more personable and engaging tone.

By contrast, passive sentences tend to involve a longer, more complex sentence structure that can be difficult to follow. They can also make your writing feel distant or removed from the reader. Scientific writing would typically employ passive voice to avoid bias and objectivity.

There are, however, times when it may be appropriate to use passive voice in your writing. If you are trying to create a more balanced or nuanced argument, using passive voice can help draw attention to the different elements involved in the sentence or clause.

Ultimately, when deciding whether to use active or passive voice in your writing, it is important to consider the purpose and style of your work and the audience you are writing for.

Whether you are trying to convey a more formal or academic tone or simply want to add some energy and excitement to your writing, there are times when both active and passive voice can be used effectively.

Try Jasper - this active voice sentence generator uses artificial intelligence to write better content for your website. You'll be able to create more compelling and persuasive content that will engage your readers and keep them coming back for more.

Active voice vs. passive voice: Which is better?

The debate over which is better has been around for centuries. While there has yet to be a clear winner, each style does have its own advantages and disadvantages.

In general, using active voice is a good way to craft dynamic and engaging copy while avoiding ambiguity or confusion. When used judiciously with other stylistic elements like dialogue, imagery, and figurative language, active voice can help take your writing to the next level!

How do you write in active voice?

One key strategy is to focus on using specific, action-oriented words that convey your ideas clearly and succinctly. This can involve avoiding vague or abstract terms and instead choosing words that place emphasis on the subject of your sentence.

Additionally, it is important to keep a consistent tense throughout your writing, which helps maintain a sense of flow and readability.

Finally, it is also important to be mindful of your sentence structure, balancing longer and shorter sentences to create the right tone and rhythm for your writing.

Overall, by paying attention to these key elements, you can take your content marketing efforts to the next level!

What is an example of active voice sentence?

An active voice sentence would be "I am writing a blog post about the keto diet." In this sentence, the subject ("I") is performing the action ("am writing"), making it clear and concise.

By contrast, a passive voice sentence would say, "A blog post is being written by me about the keto diet," which is longer and more complicated.

In general, using active voice is a better choice when you want to craft clear and concise copy that is easy to read and understand.

What does writing in active voice allow you to do?

It allows you to communicate your ideas more effectively and clearly, while also adding energy and vitality to your writing style.

It can help you avoid wordiness or ambiguity, reduce the need for complex sentence structures, and create a more engaging tone that draws in your readers.

Additionally, it can be an effective tool for crafting persuasive arguments.

How do you change passive voice to active voice?

One key strategy for changing passive voice to active voice is to look for verbs that are in the past tense but do not have an object.

These verbs can often be easily changed into the active voice by adding a direct object or subject complement. For example, you might change "The weather was forecasted" to "We forecasted the weather" or "The car was stolen by a thief" to "A thief stole the car."

Another strategy is to look for sentences where the actor and action are separated by a prepositional phrase or other modifiers.

This can often be reworded into active voice by moving the object of the phrase closer to the subject, from "The car was damaged by a rock" to "A rock damaged the car."

Overall, there are many strategies for changing passive voice to active voice, and with practice and attention to detail, you can easily make this shift in your own writing!


Use Grammarly to identify when you need to use the active voice to emphasize your point. Grammarly can help you identify grammatical errors, write in the correct person, and assist your sentence construction.

This post was proofread by Grammarly

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