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Jasper Mastermind Review 2022 [Grow Your Blog From $0-$100k/Month with]

Are you ready to start making affiliate revenue from your blog or online business?

Then read on the learn the secrets of building a profitable content business in 2022.

The first thing you need to know about the Jasper Mastermind is that it's not just a 'how to write a blog post" course. It's a complete blogging course with ongoing advice and blogging strategies, covering everything you need to know to build a profitable blog website authority and get your blog noticed.

  • How to discover your perfect blog niche

  • Keyword research

  • Blog content assembly

  • Blog monetization strategies

  • Building recurring revenue

  • Launching a successful SEO campaign

  • How to form link building partnerships

  • How to scale guest posts

  • Outsourcing content production

Literally, everything to take you from a blogging beginner to a profitable content business.

The second thing you should know: You're never on your own, even when you think you are.

You see, what I'm really getting at here is that this isn't your typical online course; it's more like having your very own personal coach full time, sitting next to you to guide and instruct every step of the way.

And I'll tell feels pretty damn good!

Learn how to effortlessly boost conversions on your Amazon product review blog

When it was first announced in November 2021, the Jasper Mastermind (or Jarvis Mastermind as it was then, before the rebrand) took the Jasper Community by storm!

Marketed only to registered Jasper users, the pre-launch trainings with content coach Adam Enfroy were so popular that several replays were required to satisfy demand.

Jasper AI Free Trial

Adam Enfroy is a well-known authority in the blogging business - over 500,000 people read his blog every month! Following the initial intake, here was a February 2022 cohort. The next Jasper Mastermind cohort will be later in 2022.

What is the Jasper Mastermind course?

In 2022 the Jasper Mastermind is one of the top quality online courses available in the blogging world.

"The community, education, and ongoing advice you need to start and grow a profitable content business in 2022." -

A complete step-by-step plan to create and grow your content marketing blog in 2022.

This course will assist you in making consistent revenue from your content at the end of the financial year.

It is designed for people who want to develop a content strategy and delved deeply into marketing and blog monetization.

Make money online – with Adam Enfroy, the best in the blogging business.

Adam Enfroy is a freelance blogger and affiliate marketing manager who founded in 2019. Adam has been featured in Business Insider, Entrepreneur, and Forbes

Overcoming his own imposter syndrome, Adam scaled his blog from a lean startup using the exact same methods he teaches in the Jasper AI Mastermind training.

In 2021 his blog traffic exceeded 500,000 monthly visitors and $140,000 in blog revenue.

These blog growth engine methods produced pure profits of over $1.1m in 2021 - and here's the proof!

Why Adam?

If the above success story isn't enough to sway you, let me share a little story from Austin Distel, CMO of (formerly

A few months ago, we were on a call, and I asked Adam if he would share what he's doing differently. I mean, his blog consistently makes over $200,000 per Month!

Adam said, "I blog like a startup. The purpose is to make money. It's not a diary. It's a business."

That makes sense – but like how? EXACTLY HOW?

So he showed me this system he created. It's so clever! And anyone can do it.

I asked if we could do a training where he shares this with our whole audience.. and he agreed!

And that's how the Jasper AI Mastermind was born. Make it rain $$$$$ with this content profit engine.

What's inside Jasper MasterMind Training?

The Jasper founders don't like to disappoint, so if you join the Jasper Mastermind training, you'll find:

  • Over 24 hours of on-demand video content

  • 10 Highly focussed modules

  • 30+ Individual, easy to follow lessons

PLUS Jasper Mastermind Exclusive Bonuses:

  • Dedicated Mastermind Facebook Community to support each other

  • Priority access to fresh Jasper features as they are released by the Jasper team

  • Chat backstage with Jasper founders Dave Rogenmoser and Chris Hull

  • Meet Jasper team members

  • In-Person events at Jasper HQ (Events in Austin, Texas)

  • Regular Live Q&A Sessions

  • Hook-ups with a coveted contractor Roladex, chock full of the best in the business.

  • 50,000 Bonus Word Credits for BossMode

The most comprehensive content profit engine course - ever!

Not sure if you can build a profitable blog?

Creating content to boost your blog's recurring revenue has never been so easy.

Let's look at the Jasper Mastermind Bonuses that can help you make the most progress with your blog in 2022.

The Content Profit Engine Course (value $3000)

There is no need for bloggers to struggle with content marketing. Learn how to build an online income with affiliate marketing.

One of the most elite Facebook groups of all time (value $2000)

A special closed-off Facebook group for Mastermind members only. There will be zero distractions and no competition - just people who want to build their blog so they can get filthy rich.

Bloggers struggle with finding online influence that is actually helpful and targeted to their needs in niche communities. The Jasper Mastermind Community is the place to be.

Access to new Jasper features (value $3000)

Ever wondered what happens when someone requests a feature in the Jasper Official Community? The Jasper team is always busy shipping new stuff, but it needs to be rigorously tested and tweaked before release.

Those new features are available first to members of the Jasper Mastermind.

Reach for the Roladex (value $2500)

Seriously, who wouldn't cover the contacts the Jasper founders have made over the years? Any professional blogger and most affiliate marketers and content writers would give their eye teeth for access to this contractor rolodex.

Live Q&A sessions (value $3000)

What's better than one coaching call? People waste countless hours searching for answers. With regular question and answer sessions, you'll get the results to help get your blogs noticed.

Be backstage buddies - with Adam, Dave, Chris, and the gang (value $3000)

Behind-the-scenes access to Not only that but the founders of Jasper will be hanging out and sharing quick tips and tricks just to help you guys succeed.

Ever wondered what the Jasper HQ is like? (value $2000)

Hang out with the Jasper AI team, Mastermind team, and fellow Mastermind members in person in Austin, Texas.

Bonus: 50,000 Jasper BossMode Word Credits (value $50)

You'll never want to be short of words when working in Jasper, so when you join Jasper Mastermind training, you'll get 50,000 Bonus Boss Mode Word Credits that you can use to top up your monthly plan.

Bonus: One-on-One Coaching Call (value $1,000) - All Gone 😮

The very first 30 Mastermind signups will qualify for a one-to-one coaching call with Adam's team.

Wow, did you add that up? That's $19,500 of value.

What will you learn inside the Jasper Mastermind?

There are 10 main modules to this course, all designed to make you money with content:

1. Discover Your Brand & Niche Module

You know you have a lot to offer, but it's hard to figure out how to start monetizing your blog.

It can be tough to figure out what the best way to make money from your blog is, and most people give up before they even start.

Learn about the unique Brand of "You" by looking at your unique strengths and how you can monetize them.

You'll be able to discover what your blog brand really is before looking at your specific niche.

Plus, discover how the Authority Flywheel framework can help you to rapidly build authority in any niche and monetize it quickly.

Jasper AI Mastermind 1. Discover Your Brand & Niche Module

2. Mindset Module

I'm not here to sugarcoat things — blogging is not easy, and it takes a lot of work. It's not for everyone.

It's hard to know where to start, how much time it will take, and what you'll need in order to succeed.

You might have imposter syndrome or the devil on your shoulder telling you that you're not good enough.

That if you write about something, people will judge it.

All kinds of things might go through your head when starting a blog. How do you get over that?

In the Jasper Mastermind, of course 😉

Jasper AI Mastermind 2. Mindset Module

3. Blogging Like a Startup Module

Seriously…if you want to make a successful blog, you need to think like a startup. You need to be lean and nimble.

Many people don't realize that blogging is not just about publishing one post after another — it's also about looking at what works and what doesn't work and improving things quickly.

This module includes lessons, such as The Lean Startup by Eric Ries, that go over startup mentality and shows you how to use your data to create a blog that gets more traffic and converts more leads so you can be successful with a blogging business.

Jasper Ai Mastermind 3. Blogging Like a Startup Module

4. Decoding Search Intent Module

You want to create content, but you're not sure what to write about.

It can be hard to come up with topics to write about that will capture your audience's attention and get you more traffic from Google.

This module explains how search engines work, the value of catching Google traffic, and how to deconstruct searches and the competition in order to figure out what you'll write.

This information will help you understand your audience and their needs so that you can create content they're looking for.

You'll also learn how to find keywords that have low competition so that you can rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Jasper AI Mastermind 4. Decoding Search Intent Module

5. Your Minimum Viable Website Module

You could spend hours researching the best hosting, the perfect theme, and all of the plugins you need.

And then you have to figure out how to install everything and make it look good.

Or you could learn all that here in the Jasper Mastermind, where you'll find a step-by-step video series that takes you by the hand and shows you exactly how to set up your website.

You don't need any prior experience - you'll learn everything you need to know. These videos are updated regularly, so you'll always have the latest information.

Jasper AI Mastermind 5. Your Minimum Viable Website Module

6. Keyword Monetization Module

Keyword research is a crucial part of any marketing campaign, and it's hard to find the right keywords without spending hours on Google.

Learn how to do keyword research and find monetizable keywords.

Discover the keyword research matrix, which can help you quickly and easily spot opportunities for keywords.

You'll have a new instinct for detecting keyword possibilities in the real world at the end of this module.

Jasper AI Mastermind 6. Keyword Monetization Module

7. Blog Content Creation Module (Content Assembly Line Method)

This module is where you'll learn the method Adam devised for his early affiliate content - and still uses today!

Get access to the exact templates he uses for how-to posts, affiliate list posts (listicles), product reviews, comparisons - the perfect framework for the professional blogger.

Jasper AI Mastermind 7. Blog Content Creation Module

8. The Link Building Machine Module

I bet you are still wondering how Adam get those incredible results, right? And how can you reach that level of success?

Well, you need to scale the number of backlinks to your new blog. This can be achieved by scaling guest posts and creating link-building relationships.

The new gold standard link-building methods are covered in this section.

The best bit? No one else is doing this!

Jasper AI Mastermind 8. The Link Building Machine Module

9. Affiliate Marketing and Blog Monetization Strategies Module

Ok, so now we are getting to the really, really, good stuff! Not that the previous modules weren't super exciting and incredibly necessary. I mean, build the foundations first!

But, you know, bring me the money!

This module goes through the whole process of how to make money with your blog, from affiliate marketing right down to establishing a timeline for monetization.

Go from novice to ninja with these terrific tactics!

Learn how to get accepted into the best affiliate programs, negotiate top-tier commission rates, how to outsmart the competition, and use FOMO to get program providers knocking your door down to be on your blog.

Jasper AI Mastermind 9. Affiliate Marketing and Blog Monetization Strategies Module

10. Scaling and Outsourcing Your Blog Content Assembly Module (It takes a village!)

Just like raising a kid, building your successful blog can take a village - and here's where you'll learn how to find and train the people you need to support you to success.

Are you tired of doing it all yourself? Let a writer take care of that content headache!

Train up your own tribe of writers and content marketers to write your review articles, so you can focus on what matters most and what you enjoy.

Jasper AI Mastermind 10. Scaling and Outsourcing Your Blog Content Assembly Module

Who is The Jasper Mastermind for?

If you've ever dreamed of being your own boss and working from anywhere in the world, then you need to become an entrepreneur.

The Jasper Mastermind is for entrepreneurs who want to build an online income so they can have the freedom to work for themselves.

If you're a blogger or content writer, the Jasper Mastermind will teach you strategies to create content faster and earn recurring income from your writing. And if you're an affiliate marketer, you'll learn how to choose the most profitable products and get more sales.

So whatever your goals are, the Jasper Mastermind can help you achieve them. Join us today and let's start building your dream life.

Jasper AI Mastermind building your dream life.

How much does the Jasper MasterMind cost?

There are 2 options for joining the Jasper AI Mastermind: monthly subscription or yearly subscription pricing plans.

Both subscription plans come with all the perks and bonuses covered above.

Yearly subscription $2,988 - May cohort price $1999 until May 31st 2022 - save $989

Monthly subscription $299 (works out at $3,588) - May cohort price $249 until May 31st 2022 - save $600

5-Day 100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee Refund Policy

If you're subscribed to the Jasper Mastermind but find that it's not for you, you can simply email support within 5 days of purchase, and they'll refund you. It's as simple as that.

Want to build a profitable content business?

I asked some of my own Facebook Group members how they felt about the Jasper Mastermind Course.

Here's what they had to say:

"I really just want to say thank you for hooking me up with the Jasper Mastermind. It has already taught me so much in just this short amount of time that's it's hard to put into words (even with help from Jasper 😆). "

"Honestly, the content is incredible. I figured it would be good... but man, was I pleasantly surprised! The main thing I love about it is that you don't waste time talking about theories. There's hours of actionable content, no filler."

Will you join them and use this blog growth engine to achieve your goals?

There is so much information out there it's hard to know what is true and what will help you make money.

So why not take a peek inside and find out what's got #JasperNation all hot and bothered?

If you're looking to take things to the next level and monetize your blog, join the Jasper AI Mastermind.

This is where you'll learn how to make money with affiliate marketing and content creation in ways that are sure-fire winners!

You don't need any previous experience or technical knowledge – our team of experts has got everything covered. And if you're not satisfied with your purchase, you can ask for a refund, so there's no risk involved whatsoever!

* An active Jasper Boss Mode Subscription is required. Jasper Starter Plan and Pro Plan users can upgrade to join the Mastermind. See Pricing 2022

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