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Jarvis Answers: How to expand content in Jarvis Boss Mode

Marketers extol the virtues of content marketing and how it is essential not only in terms of its importance but also in terms of its longevity.

Do you have an idea or a concept you'd like to expand upon, but you can't quite get your brain in gear?

Jarvis Boss Mode makes it easy with Jarvis commands! In this blog post, you'll learn how to use Boss Mode in Jarvis (now boss mode, previously boss mode).

Jarvis Answers: How to Use Bullet Points to Write E-Commerce Product Descriptions

Jarvis Boss Mode is the top-tier plan available in Jarvis and unlocks extra features such as enhanced character look back and Jarvis commands. These allow Jarvis to understand better the context of the copy you want to create and allow you to direct him with customized commands for your exact needs. Recommended Read: Jasper AI Pro Unlimited Plan (Boss Mode)

Learn more about Jarvis Boss Mode with this 101 Training:

Tips for expanding your content in Jarvis Boss Mode

There is no better way to know how well this will work than to try it yourself, but let me show you how I expand content in a blog post using Jarvis Boss Mode. Here's a quick video showing how easy it is to create expanded content, in Jarvis Boss Mode Note: If you are on the Starter Plan or Pro Plan, you'll need to upgrade to use Boss Mode commands.

In this example, which is a blog post, I ask Jarvis to continue writing under an H2 heading I have pulled from the Surfer Brief. I like to rewrite the H2 to make it unique, and the easiest way to do that is to add a target keyword.

Adding keywords in titles helps Jarvis understand the topic this copy is for.

This example content, I pull from the Surfer Brief, (watch me set that up here) is highly topical content that should be included in the blog post. Jarvis looks back over the previous copy - between 2000 - 3,000 characters - and understands the context of the copy.

Jarvis uses that to write the best copy for your blog. He's able to do this because he knows what will catch the reader's attention and pique their interest.

I don't like the way Surfer phrased their content in this instance, so I use Jarvis' rephrase function to modify it before continuing.

When I'm satisfied with the starting point for the copy, I simply hit the compose button, and Jarvis will use his amazing artificial intelligence to come up with several more sentences that follow the flow of the text.

You can hit "compose" multiple times, going through and modifying the text as you go, until this fantastic AI content composer has completed your post!

Repurpose your expanded content

Once you have created your epic content - probably in the form of a pillar post for your blog - you can publish & repurpose that content over multiple platforms.

To avoid any duplicate copy issues, you can 'improve' your content time and time again to ensure it is unique and tailored for each platform.

Places you can publish your expanded content

  • Medium

  • Guest Posts

  • Social Media - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter

  • YouTube

  • Podcasts

For example, you could create a pillar post for your blog and then record a video of that same content.

You can then share that video on YouTube or Facebook where you may not have an existing audience but it allows you to expand your reach and attract new visitors.

Revisit your expanded content

There is zero rule stating your expanded content cannot evolve over time. Great expanded content is evergreen by nature.

Let your followers know that you are always open to feedback and questions about your post, whether it's via comments or direct messages on Facebook or Twitter. You can then go into that same content again in the future to answer those questions and further expand upon what you originally discussed.

This shows your viewers that you value their feedback, that you care about your content and they can trust that this will always be a living document.

It is vital to keep the conversation going as long as there are people who continue to engage with it.

Prioritize your expanded content

You know best what your viewers will find interesting and engaging. Focus on expanding your pillar posts, which you already know have proven to be popular with your audience. As a result, the chances of them sharing it or becoming an evangelist for that piece of expanded content are heightened.

The added bonus of this is that you'll gain those all-important social confirmations that your content is valuable and that you should continue to focus on creating more of the same. Learn how to expand content with bullet point lists.

Questions about expanding content with Jarvis Boss Mode? Email or comment at the bottom of this post for more Jarvis Answers.

Join me in my Facebook Group, where I share tips for creating content with Jarvis every day.

Want to try it out yourself for free?

Grab a FREE TRIAL of Jarvis and use Jarvis free for 5 days (or 10,000 words).


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